
the Chicken Shack

I finally made a point to go outside and take a few pictures of our (actually, Dustin's) latest project. He spent most of the winter working on our chicken shack, putting in an hour or so here & there. Hoping to have it ready to house our hens by spring! Well...mission complete! Here is a view of the chicken shack from the outside.

We have a few new hens on order, and they should be arriving any day. Some of you may know that we already had a few chickens...9 to be exact. However, they became 'free range' this past summer when a little person forgot to close the gate on their old "shack". So, we ordered more hens; and hopefully the old hens will want to be friends with the new hens?

Here are a few more pictures of the "Chicken Shack"...not so much of a shack, it's more like a chicken mansion, but whatever...

*Access to the nesting boxes...this is where we will hopefully gather the eggs from!

*Inside the Shack...double decker nesting boxes...hope the hens like 'em!

*This is the little door leading out to their yard area...

Just a little glimpse of life on the funny farm...

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